Proud partner of

Montréal Alliance

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THE digital economy

Being online opens your business to a world of opportunities. Orijin Village is a non-profit organization whose mission is to contribute to black entrepreneurs’ economic growth through technology.


Tech — Culture — Entrepreneurship

THE Up ecosystem,
to connect and build

Through the UP ecosystem, we create tangible tools, programs, campaigns and events to assist and engage melanated communities to collaborate so that they, in turn, can grow socially, financially and economically.

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It takes a village to UPlift a black entrepreneur

to change

We are tackling the disparities plaguing our melanated communities. We call on like-minded people, creators, builders, entrepreneurs, organizations, and businesses to invest in the black communities.

Thank you to our collaborators!

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Circulating black dollars in black communities

Strengthening the business infrastructure in melanated communities is one of the key ambitions of 0rijin Village. Our ecosystem promotes, enables and equips merchants with online solutions and experiences to reach new market segments and narrow the digital divide within our communities.

The goal is to advance our cultural identity through their products and services, thus enabling black consumers to take action of their own.

This strategy increases wealth creation and lower unemployment, to result in dynamic economic growth.